> 1. The National Capital Region Planning Board Act, 1985_11.02.1985
> 2. The National Capital Region Planning Board Rules, 1985 22.05.1985
> 3. Functions, Powers and Duties-amendment in Section 32 of NCRPB Act 1985- 8 July 1985
> 4. National Capital Region Planning Board Regulations, 1986 03.03.1986
> 5. Amendment in NCRPB Notification Delegation of Powers-14 Dec 1987
> 6. The National Capital Region Planning Board Rules, 1989 17.01.89
> 7. NCRPB Contributory General Provident Fund Regulation-19.03.1990
> 8. Functions, Duties-PSMG-II-amendment Notification - 4 July 1991
> 9. Delegation of Powers-amendment to NCRPB Act 1985 (2 of 1985)-9 January 1997
> 10. Recruitment Rules and Assessment Scheme for NCR Planning Board Staff, 17.06.1997
> 11. NCRPB (Amendment) Rules, 2004-Amendment to Rule 33 of NCRPB Rules 1985-18 March 2004
> 12. Gazette Notification for addition of new districts of Rajasthan-23 August 2004
> 13. NCRPB Medical Attendance Scheme For Pensioners, 31.10.2005
> 14. Delegation of Powers-amendment to NCRPB Act 1985 (2 of 1985)-23 August 2006
> 15. National Capital Region Planning Board Recruitment & Promotion Rules, 2006 25.10.2006
> 16. Constitution of NCRPB Board -18 June 2009
> 17. Delegation of Powers-amendment to NCRPB Act 1985 (2 of 1985)-10 February 2010
> 18. Gazette Notification for addition of new districts of Haryana-01 October 2013
> 19. Gazette Notification for Board Members of NCR Planning Board-14.02.2014
> 20. Delegation of Powers-amendment to NCRPB Act 1985 (2 of 1985)-15 July 2015
> 21. Delegation of Powers-Functional Plans-5 November 2015
> 22. Gazette Notification for addition of new districts of Haryana & UP-24 November 2015
> 23. Gazette Notification for Co-Opted Member of NCR Planning Board-24.09.2015
> 24. Recruitment Rules for post of Chief Regional Planner in NCR Planning Board-27.07.2016
> 25. Delegation of Powers-amendment to NCRPB Act 1985 (2 of 1985)-11 Aug 2016
> 26. Reconstitution of NCRPB Board- 22.11.2017
> 27. Recruitment Regulations of CRP,JD(T), DD(A)-18.01.2018
> 28. Gazette Notification for addition of new district Shamli-16 April_ 2018
> 29. Recruitment Regulations of NCR Planning Board-12.07.2018
> 30. Notification Addendum Modification of RP-2021-26 November, 2019
> 31. Recruitment Rules of Law Officer-13.03.2020
> 32. Gazette Notification Assistant Director (Finance)
> 33. Recruitment Regulations for the post of Chief Regional Planner -29.08.2022
> 34. Recruitment Regulations for the post of Planning Assistant and Assistant GradeII -29.08.2022
> 35. Reconstitution of NCRPB Board- 28.06.2024
> 36. Recruitment Rules for post of Multi Tasking Staff(MTS) in NCR Planning Board dated 30.01.2025