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Describe chronological development of sewerage system and sanitation in city including  physical works, O&M systems  etc. Describe major expansion done in last few years and any plan for future development


Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Year of start of sewerage scheme, what works were done initially of network, SPS, STP, details of length, size, material, pumps, effluent disposal etc. Subsequent developments,  capital expenditure done and physical work done in last 3-5 years, Future expansion proposal if any, O & M system, quantity of waste water over the years, quality of influent and effluent

Relevant Institute handling expansion and one handling

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Sewer Network and Condition

Collect information of the existing network, a map showing location of pipes, type of pipes, sizes, bedding, invert levels, drop man hole, appurtenances such as man holes, ventilating shaft, scrapper man holes, material of construction used, sizes. Assess condition of pipes and appurtenances by enquiry with O & M staff & residents.

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Collect information of the existing network, a map showing location of pipes, type of pipes, sizes, bedding, invert levels, drop man hole, appurtenances such as man holes, ventilating shaft, scrapper man holes, material of construction used, sizes. Assess condition of pipes and appurtenances

ULB and  enquiry with O&M staff & residents.

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Sewage Pumping Station

Location and nomber of SPS. Mechanical and Electrical equipment available with details about head, discharge  KW etc. type of pump, sump details Estimate quantity of waste water pumped by noting operating hours, Assess condition & efficiency  of M&E equipment, Power bill amount, staff for maintenance, expenditure head wise on O&M. Details of screening, Power generation etc

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Location and number of SPS. Mechanical and Electrical equipment available with details about head, discharge  KW etc. type of pump, sump details Estimate quantity of waste pumped by noting operating hours, Assess condition & efficiency  of M & E equipment, Power bill amount, staff for maintenance, expenditure head wise on O & M. Details of screening, Power generation etc

Institution responsible for sewerage

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Sewage Treatment Plant

Location and nomber of STPs. Mechanical and Electrical equipment available with details about capacity,  Assess condition & efficiency  of M & E equipment, Power bill amount, staff for maintenance, expenditure head wise, Influent quality and effluent quality , process quality after different units, Quantity of waste water

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Location and number of STPs. Mechanical and Electrical equipment available with details about capacity,  Assess condition & efficiency  of M & E equipment, Power bill amount, staff for maintenance, expenditure head wise, Influent quality and effluent quality , process quality after different units,

Institution responsible of sewerage

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Effluent and Sludge Disposal

Describe how effluent and sludge is disposed

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

How effluent and sludge is disposed

Institution responsible for sewerage

Effluent Disposal Standards


Standards for disposal in

Inland Surface water

Land for irrigation

BOD (mg/l) 5days 200C



TSS (mg/l)











Sulphides (mg/l as S)



Total Chromium (mg/l as Cr)



Faecal Coli form MPN/100 ml





Maximum. Permissible


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Institutional setup

Describe institutions responsible for sewerage/sanitation for expansion, for O&M and for recovery etc. Review the institutions about their strengths and weaknesses. What is the structure of organizations, current staff strength.

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Organizations responsible at city level for expansion and for O&M, Organization structure, current staff strength and availability, Review strength and weakness of relevant  organization


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Head wise (Staff, Power, repairs, chemicals etc)  expenditure in last 3-5 years on O&M, Actvity wise (SPS, STP, Sewer net work, civil, mechanical, electrical etc)

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Head wise (Staff, Power, repairs, chemicals etc)  expenditure in last 3-5 years on O&M, Activity wise (SPS, STP, Sewer net work, civil, mechanical, electrical etc) expenditure in last 3-5 years


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Describe tariff and taxes if any for sewerage/sanitation. No of connections, New connection charges, head wise revenue collection and assessment during last 3-5 years. Who is competent agency to revise tariff and taxes. When was it revised last.

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

What is tariff and taxes if any for sewerage/sanitation. No of connections, New connection charges, head wise revenue collection and assessment during last 3-5 years. Who is competent agency to revise tariff and taxes. When was it revised last.


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Low Cost Sanitation

Describe no of house toilets, no of houses without toilets, no. of toilets without septic tanks (this will indicate extent of open defecation and waste going to drain), whether suction machine for emptying septic tanks is available. Describe system of cleaning septic tanks. Describe no. of community toilets and seats, who maintains community toilets, status of maintenance,

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

No of house toilets, no of houses without toilets, no. of toilets without septic tanks (this will indicate extent of open defecation and waste going to drain), whether suction machine for emptying septic tanks is available. Describe system of cleaning septic tanks. Describe no. of community toilets and seats, who maintains community toilets, status of maintenance,


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Major Issues/Concerns

Describe issues and concerns emerging from review of city waste water review

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