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Latitude and longitude of city, Location of city with respect to important cities and state capital, how city is approachable through rail, road and air, important highways, rail lines passing near the city

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Yearly average rainfall, rainfall period and days, Wind direction, humidity, maximum and minimum temperature, seasons

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Average ground level above MSL, variation in GL, Contour map,

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Under Ground Soil Strata

Soil strata at top and under ground soil strata at various locations showing different types of strata will indicate soil bearing capacity (an useful parameter for design and costing of OHSRs) and excavation quantities in different stratas.

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Under Ground Water

  • Potential & Aquifers :    What is the ground water potential and how it varies in depth and location. Describe aquifers available and their characteristics
  • Quality :   Quality of ground water-Physical, chemical and bacteriological
  • Depth of Water Table :    Water table contours
  • Seasonal and Yearly Variation in Water Table :  Compare water table after rains and before rains. Also whether water table has gone down during last 10-15 years if so how much.
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Available Surface Water Resources

Existing Sources :  
Summaries the quantity (with dependability) and quality of water resources.  Mention the existing usage of water by all sectors (Irrigation , Industrial, domestic etc), comment on availability of water supply or deficiency and possible conflicts over the use of water at present and in future. Comment on water pollution problems. Mention the role of agencies responsible for managing water resources, their allocation and quality control. Describe catchment area.

Possible Future Sources : 

Quality of water, catchment area, location, Possible quantity, dependability. Indicate studies carried out or being carried out concerning development of potential sources and their findings.

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Socio Economic Conditions

General :  
Describe present living conditions of the people of different socio-economic and ethnic groups. Commercial and industrial activities, importance of city, occupations of inhabitants, economic conditions of the people, Work Force, male & female workers, Housing conditions and relative proportion of owners and tenants. Give data on education, literacy and unemployment by age and sex. Public health status with particular attention to diseases related to water and sanitary conditions. Provide data on crude maternal and infant mortality rates and life expectancy. Discuss the status of health care programs and other projects which have bearing on improvement in environmental sanitation.

Slums : 

No of slums, households, location, available social infrastructure, status of slums-authorised or not,

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Urban Infrastructure – Water Supply

Describe existing system such as source- no of tube well, hand Pump, Open well, yield, depth of tube well, location of tube wells, pumping hours, pumping set KW, head, quality of water. If surface source then its location, discharge, drawl, Pumping set characteristics, Rising main details, Ground level and OHSR location, capacity, distribution coverage, pipe sizes, PSPs no. and location, water losses in system, bulk and consumer metering, O & M. Attach a map showing existing system. Estimate present and future requirement. Assess gaps. Describe expansion program under taken in past and those proposed for future. Head wise expenditure and revenue for last 3-5 years. Tariff and taxes. Map showing important features.

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Source of water supply, raw water quality, No of tube wells, depth, location, yield, assembly details, strata chart, pump details, draw down, Supply per capita, distribution and rising main pipe dia, length, material, condition, details of mechanical, electrical and civil of WTP, CWPS, RWPS, details and location of reservoirs, staging, treated water quality, quality at consumer end, tariff, no of connections, PSPs, HPs, details of metering, revenue assessment, O & M expenditure, staff strength and available

take it from the Department responsible for O & M and for expansion of water supply scheme



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Urban Infrastructure – Road Network

Describe existing system: Length of different types of roads, who owns and maintains, bridges- location, under passes, rail lines. Proposed roads bridges underpasses. Map showing important features.

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Source of water supply, Length of NHW, state highway, other metalled road, WBM road, brick road, Katcha road,  agencies responsible for O & M and for expansion, Program of future expansion in road network

City master plan, Local department dealing with expansion and O&M

Length of water supply network can be taken equal to road length


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Urban Infrastructure – Drainage

Map showing all major, medium and minor drains with direction of flow. Drainage problem pockets, condition of drains, quality of drain water in dry season at different locations, discharge in drains. Which of the drains are open and which ones are closed. Works undertaken for expansion in past and proposals for expansion in future.

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Map showing different types of drains with direction of flow and problem areas, section of drains, coverings, expenditure on expansion and cleaning in last 3-5 years, quality of waste water in drains in different seasons and at different locations, Discharge in drains at different locations, points where sewerage system is connected to drains and where drains connected to sewerage system

Obtain from local office and update

Design and plan how pipe lines will cross drains particularly major drains


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Urban Infrastructure – SWM

Describe existing systemsuch as available staff, bins, equipment, location of bins, door to door collection, segregation, collection system, transportation vehicles, trips, capacity of vehicle to handle waste. Transfer site location capacity, Places where waste is disposed-their area and location, Method of disposal, land for future SLFS, Privatization of activities, condition of bins and vehicles. Map showing important features

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

No of vehicles, equipment, their capacities, trips for transportation, bins of different types and capacities available, segregation at source, door to collection, coverage, transfer stations-no and location capacity, disposal sites, daily generation, disposal, waste characteristics, capacity of disposal sites, whether land for future LFS available if so how much

Information from ULB

Land fill site should be away from water supply source and pipes not to pass through disposal area.

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Urban Infrastructure – Power

location and number of 440, 220,132 and 33 KV sub stations, Hours per day power is available in different seasons, future load estimation and expansion program for future. Map showing important features

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Transmission system 440 kv, 132 kv and 33 kv sub station system, power consumption, power available hours per day, tariff, expansion program, responsible organization, No of connections

Obtain from local relevant office

Pumping hours for Pumping Station and WTP depend on power availability hours a day, Cost of power connection to SPS and STP need information about location of Sub Station, Power tariff used to find life cycle cost

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Urban Infrastructure – Sewerage/Sanitation

Describe existing sewerage system, coverage, treatment, O & M, staff available, expenditure on O & M and expansion, condition of system, effect of inadequate sewerage/sanitation on health

Input Requirement

Data Source

Remarks/Design criteria

Information required is given in sewerage section of tool kit



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