Shelter Sector in The National Capital Region

Housing activities are known to have the capacity to play a significant role in socio-economic development of a region because they help in not only the creation of ‘shelter’ for the people but also in generating employment opportunities for a large variety of skilled and unskilled workforce, which is a prerequisite for growth and development of settlements.

In the context of the Regional Plan policy of ‘induced growth’ of selected settlements in the National Capital Region, evidently large scale housing activities are essential elements of the overall development programme to help them absorb population and economic activities, thus helping in reducing population pressure on Delhi and achieving balanced development of the entire region.

A number of public agencies-area development authorities, state housing boards, local bodies, etc. are involved in the delivery of both developed plots and built-up dwelling units. Many public sector undertakings and Central Government agencies also construct houses for their employees as staff quarters. Besides these, cooperative societies are also active participants in housing production. Private sector entrepreneurs who develop plots and construct flats are comparatively new entrants in this sector and their operation is largely confined to towns nearer Delhi.

The efforts by these organized institutional agencies is no match for individuals/households who help in the creation of a much larger number of units, constructing new houses or converting old units through repairs/renovations, additions/alterations etc. In fact the region outside the metropolis today largely depends on individual effort to build houses.


Shelter in the region is generally inadequate, especially in the Priority Towns. A review of the shelter scenario, as part of the review exercise of Regional Plan-2001, shows that the Priority Towns (targeted for accelerated development to absorb additional population) suffer from various forms of housing deficiencies. About 15-20% of the housing stock is dilapidated, either they are kutcha units made of non-durable materials or without access to drinking water, toilet and lighting facilities etc. Besides this, over-crowding and congestion are common. It was estimated that Priority Towns in NCR would need a supply of about 6.25 lakh dwelling units by 2001 (0.50 lakh for removing the current shortage, 1.75 lakh to cater to the normal population increase and 4.00 lakh for absorbing the additional population proposed to be deflected to these towns).

It was also observed that public sector agencies like the housing boards, development authorities etc. had not been able to deliver the requisite number of housing units and, therefore, the housing problem was accentuating. Slums and squatter settlements were increasing.


One of the factors which has impaired the housing supply in NCR towns is their slow pace of development. These towns have also been rather slow in coming up with the requisite level of infrastructure support, a prerequisite for the fast development. The strategy of induced development in these towns may have to be looked upon afresh in the light of past experience and decisions may have to be taken in the form of package for each of the selected settlements, which would act as the much needed catalyst for accelerating the growth of these towns. The housing deficit/demand is intrinsically linked to various lacal factors such as potential of the area, economy, affordability etc. the State Government/local agencies need to work out the housing requirements and prepare phased programmes taking into account these factors so as to meet the demand.

The SCOPE, CPWD, DDA etc., which are involved in developing office complexes, should have joint ventures with their counterpart development agencies/authorities in the towns of NCR viz., GDA, NOIDA, Greater NOIDA, UPHB, HUDA etc. for creation of new office complexes especially in the Central NCR towns. The Central Government and its agencies can create the facility of General Pool Accommodation in the Central NCR towns for supporting these complexes as well as housing government employees of NCT-Delhi. These complexes should also have provisions for essential facilities such as CGHS, Kendriya Bhandars, Kendriya Vidyalayas and dedicated transport services linking them with the work centres/office complexes in NCT-Delhi.

Cooperative effort has been accepted universally as an effective mechanism for satisfying the housing needs of the people, especially, since it helps in the production of a considerably large number of dwelling units at comparatively lower costs. It would, therefore, be appropriate to encourage the efforts being made by the Cooperatives to supplement the efforts of individuals/households in creating adequate housing stock. The private sector, community based organizations (CBOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and self help groups (SHGs) should be involved in slum development and upgradation activities.

As envisaged in the National Housing and Habitat Policy, 1998, public agencies should perform the role of facilitators by providing developed land and legal & infrastructure support to enable the private sector to make heavy investments in housing

Cost-effective construction techniques involving local materials and innovative housing designs should be extensively propagated to make the housing units not only cheaper and durable, but also energy-efficient, aesthetically pleasing, functionally fulfilling and environment-friendly.

Innovative concepts like ‘work-cum-shelter’, ‘incremental housing’ etc. should be adopted to cater to the specific needs of individual household thereby effecting savings as well as opportunity costs.

Access to convenient housing finance for all segments of the population should become a reality through financing institutions, liberalised credit terms and mortgage requirements.

Action Plan on Shelter Sector
  1. Public agencies to act as facilitators.
  2. Reforms for easier acquisition of land.
  3. Housing stock to be increased through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
  4. Joint approach/venture between DDA/GNCTD with the development authorities/agencies of the towns in NCR for provision of housing.

For more information on Shelter Sector in the NCR, please refer to documents below:

Regional Plan Document on Shelter Sector