NCR Planning Board prepared a Regional Plan with the perspective year 2021 for the National Capital Region which was notified on 17.09.2005.
The Regional Plan-2021 for NCR provides a model for sustainable development of urban and rural settlements to improve quality of life as well as a rational regional land use pattern to protect and preserve good agricultural land, environmentally sensitive areas and utilize unproductive land for urban areas through an inter-related policy framework relating to settlement systems, economic activities, transportation, telecommunication, regional land use, infrastructural facilities such as power and water, social infrastructure, environment, disaster management, heritage and tourism.
Regional Plan-2021 for NCR has shown a great concern on various depleting natural resources like land, water, forest, biodiversity both in sense of flora & fauna of the rapidly urbanizing NCR. Seeing the present fast pace of growth and urbanization as well as change in approach in economic development, like SEZ, at present land is facing a threat of not only by way of haphazard unplanned development, unauthorized construction, encroachments by shabby slums & shanty areas but also unbalanced development with focus of development at the core of the Region. In order to protect the land from conversion of good agricultural land into non-agricultural uses at random and balanced development of the region there is a dire need of early preparation of various plans at different level for both urban settlements as well as rural settlements following policies laid down in the Regional Plan-2021 for NCR and with a focus to have a rural-urban continuum. |
Further, to have balanced development of the NCR, it is also required that various proposals/strategies/projects to provide the essential services/core infrastructure like shelter, water, sewerage, sewage treatment, solid waste management, drainage, power, transport, etc. be also implemented in a time bound manner by the constituent State Governments, Central Ministries and their concerned Departments/Agencies. Further new approaches and innovative techniques are required to be adopted by the concerned Agencies to improve & enhance the availability of water & power. The ground water recharging and water harvesting are required to be integrated in the building byelaws and amendments are also required to be carried out in various Town Planning Acts by the Constituent State Governments for conserving the water recharging areas. Implementation of the various policies and proposals of Regional Plan-2021 for NCR will have to be done by the Constituent State Governments & Central Ministries through their various Departments/Agencies in time-bound manner. |