What's New
Reply to Pre-Bid Queries dated 21.03.2025 RFQ-CUM-RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan(s)- 2047
Corrigendum 21.03.2025 Notice for Extension of last date for Pre-Bid Queries, Clarification, Comments, Suggestions on Preparation of Functional Plan on Smart and Digital NCR - 2047
Corrigendum 21.03.2025 Notice for Extension of last date for Pre-Bid Queries, Clarification, Comments, Suggestions on Preparation of Functional Plan on Water Management and Waste Management in the NCR - 2047
Corrigendum 21.03.2025 Notice for Extension of last date for Pre-Bid Queries, Clarification, Comments, Suggestions on Preparation of Functional Plan on Transport, Economic Growth including Economic nodes and Industrial corridors in the NCR - 2047
Corrigendum dated 19.03.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on Water Management and Waste Management in the NCR 2047
Corrigendum dated 19.03.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on Transport, Economic Growth including Economic nodes and Industrial corridors in the NCR-2047
Corrigendum dated 19.03.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on 'Smart and Digital NCR - 2047'
Recruitment to the post of Assistant Director (Technical) on Direct Recruitment basis in National Capital Region Planning Board
Engagement of Consultant Grade-I(Technical) on Contract basis in National Capital Region Planning Board
Corrigendum dated 19.02.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on 'Smart and Digital NCR - 2047'
Corrigendum dated 19.02.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on Transport, Economic Growth including Economic nodes and Industrial corridors in the NCR-2047
Corrigendum dated 19.02.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on Water Management and Waste Management in the NCR 2047
Recruitment to the post of Stenographer Grade 'C', Grade 'D' and MTS in the National Capital Region Planning Board
Reply to Pre-Bid Queries dated 07.02.2025 RFQ-CUM-RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on Smart and Digital NCR - 2047
Corrigendum dated 06.02.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on Transport, Economic Growth including Economic nodes and Industrial corridors in the NCR-2047
Corrigendum dated 06.02.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on Water Management and Waste Management in the NCR 2047
Corrigendum_ 04.02.2025 Notice for Extension of last date for Queries, Clarification, Comments, Suggestions on Preparation of Functional Plan on Smart and Digital NCR - 2047
Pre Bid Meeting for Preparation of Functional Plan on 'Smart and Digital NCR - 2047'
Corrigendum dated 28.01.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on Transport, Economic Growth including Economic nodes and Industrial corridors in the NCR-2047
Corrigendum dated 28.01.2025 Revised RFQ cum RFP Document for Preparation of Functional Plan on Water Management and Waste Management in the NCR 2047
RFQ cum RFP dated 23.01.2025 for Preparation of Functional Plan for Smart and Digital NCR - 2047
Corrigendum dated 22.01.2025_Revised RFQ cum RFP Dated 16.01.2025 for Preparation of Functional Plan on Transport, Economic Growth including Economic nodes and Industrial corridors in the NCR-2047
Corrigendum dated 22.01.2025_Revised RFQ cum RFP Dated 15.01.2025 for Preparation of the Functional Plan for Water Management & Waste Management-2047
Corrigendum-Revised RFQ cum RFP Dated 16.01.2025 for Preparation of Functional Plan on Transport, Economic Growth including Economic nodes and Industrial corridors in the NCR-2047
Corrigendum-Revised RFQ cum RFP Dated 15.01.2025 for Preparation of the Functional Plan for Water Management & Waste Management-2047
Minutes-cum-Bid Clarifications 17.12.2024 FP Water and Waste Mgt.
Minutes-cum-Bid Clarifications 17.12.2024 FP Water and Waste Mgt.
Revised RFQ cum RFP Dated 16.12.2024 for Preparation of the Functional Plan for Water Management & Waste Management-2047
Revised RFQ cum RFP dated 16.12.2024 for Preparation of Functional Plan for Transport, Economic Growth Including Economic Nodes and Industrial Corridors - 2047
Pre Bid Meeting for Preparation of Functional Plan on 'Water Management and Waste Management' - 17.12.2024
Pre Bid Meeting for Preparation of Functional Plan on 'Transport, Economic Growth including Economic Nodes and Industrial Corridor' - 17.12.2024
Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for Preparation of Functional Plan on 'Transport, Economic Nodes and Industrial Corridor'
Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for Preparation of Functional Plan on 'Water Management and Waste Management'
Recruitment to the post of Law Officer in the National Capital Region Planning Board - 29.11.2024
Notice of Opening of Financial Bids on 13.06.2024
Notice for Opening of Technical Bids of Functional Plans for Dairy Sector - 07.06.2024
Notice for extension of last date for submission of bids till 30.05.2024
Notice for extension of last date for submission of bids till 15.05.2024
Recruitment to the post of Planning Assistant in the National Capital Region Planning Board - 25.04.2024
Recruitment to the post of Joint Director in the National Capital Region Planning Board - 25.04.2024
Notice for extension of last date for submission of bids till 30.04.2024
Notice for extension of last date for submission of bids till 15.04.2024
Minutes-cum-Bid Clarifications Preparation of Functional Plans for Dairy Sector in NCR - 28.03.2024
Online Pre Bid Meeting(RFP) for Preparation of Functional Plans for Dairy Sector in NCR - 19.03.2024
RFP Document for Functional Plan - Dairy Sector - 01.03.2024
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Last Updated On- 21/03/2025

Welcome to NCRPB
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India

Evolution of Concept of National Capital Region

Delhi has been experiencing phenomenal growth of population since 1951 recording decennial growth rate of 52.44%, 52.91%, 52.98%, 51.45% and 47.03% during 1951-61, 1961-71, 1971-81, 1981-91 and 1991-01 decades respectively. One of the main causes for this spurt in the growth of population is migration into the city not only from the adjacent states but also from others such as Bihar.


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